‘Blush’ is an animated short film by Apple TV Plus created by a Fil-Am story artist, Joe Mateo.
Joe works as an artist at Walt Disney and he is known for his works in the animated movies Bolt, Meet the Robinsons, and Big Hero 6.
The Story
The story is simple as it focuses on space without atmosphere. According to Joe, he added things that resembled him so much as this film is too personal.
Everything is here—from the very first moment that he met his wife, how the relationship was formed up to the day with their children.
Joe Mateo wanted everything to be related and make it look like it was real that’s why he presented all symbols. From his wife’s favorite fruit (mango), to the color of his wife’s hair, to their likes and dislikes, and to the attitude shown by the characters.
Filipino Representation
Joe Mateo once said during his interviews that he incorporated some Filipino aspects in the stBoory because he wanted a touch of Filipino in it.
From the mango, which is their family’s favorite fruit and dessert, to the kids’ features, up to the chest details of the astronaut in colors yellow, blue, and red which symbolizes the colors of the Philippine flag.
Real life events
The film is called ‘Blush” and it is about his late wife. Joe mentioned that during high school, his wife’s nickname was ketchup because she blushes easily.
It was made in a 2D animation art style and process.
Joe Mateo lost his wife to breast cancer four and a half years ago and this film is their story and dedication.