Studio Ghibli, the beloved animation producer behind worldwide favorites Spirited Away, Ponyo, My Neighbor Totoro, and Grave of the Fireflies, is teaming up with Lucasfilm, home to the Star Wars and Indiana Jones franchises, for a mysterious new project.
A little secret: And there’s some evidence that it might be a Baby Yoda aka Grogu show based on a previous leak and a new tease.
— スタジオジブリ STUDIO GHIBLI (@JP_GHIBLI) November 11, 2022
— スタジオジブリ STUDIO GHIBLI (@JP_GHIBLI) November 12, 2022
The official Studio Ghibli Twitter account tweeted out a short video showing the Lucasfilm logo and its own logo. That was it. But it was enough to get people talking. Shortly afterward, the official Star Wars Twitter account re-shared the teaser as well.
It confirmed that whatever they are on, it involves Star Wars. Nothing more, nothing less.
This alone seems like solid evidence the studio is doing a Baby Yoda short or movie or animated series.
All of this points to the very real possibility that very soon, Studio Ghibli and Lucasfilm will release a new animated Star Wars short starring Grogu. Or perhaps that leaked short has nothing to do with this project and instead, Ghibli is working on a segment for the next season of the Star Wars anime spin-off anthology series, Star Wars Visions.